Luminary Sanctuary

Monthly Membership  


If you are fully committed to joining us at this time but unable to make this payment commitment, please email me at [email protected] for a monthly donation option. 


Through Prophetic messages, profound revelations, 1:1 coaching and mentorship, my intention and prayer is for this to be a space for you to grow in Faith and Trust of your path and current circumstances in marriage, love, relationships, finances and career path (and whatever else is on your heart). 

God will be speaking to everything that is shared in here for each of you as I pray over you, guide you and lead you to deeper Union with the Grace of God's Love and Support.

Let this be your Reprieve and act of self-care from the mundane.

You will have free access to other challenges, masterclasses and events that take place throughout your membership.

You are a Daughter of the Divine invited to RISE up in your Faith in Love, Legacy and Leadership.

Join us in this Sanctuary of Sanctity.

x Dana Christine 


If you have questions, please send me an email at [email protected] 


$75.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Thank you for opting in to the Luminary Sanctuary Membership.  Please read below for all terms & conditions before purchasing.

This is in accordance by law with participant (customer) and Dana Canneto, LLC. 


There are no refunds after purchase. Client shall be responsible for the entire Fee set forth herein.   Client is responsible for any fees associated with recouping payment on chargebacks and any collection fees associated therewith.

This purchase is a monthly commitment until cancellation by you.   

Cancellation is allowed at any time yet the monthly membership investment will change to $111 if you are to rejoin. 



Client agrees that all communication between Dana Canneto, LLC and  (“Client”) is to occur two ways. The best and most effective way to communicate is during the (“Programs”) scheduled weekly group coaching calls, which will be designated and announced in advance routinely in the private client Facebook group. Please attend the group coaching calls on time and be prepared to respect the facilitator’s time and your peers. If you cannot make the weekly group coaching calls “live”, we will be offering recorded replays and a coaching call form so you can still get “coached”.

The second form of communication for support is via email and the email address the Client should use is [email protected]. Company’s office hours are Monday through Friday 10am-5pm EST, except holidays. Company typically responds to emails within 24-48 business hours, excluding weekends and standard holidays.


PLEASE NOTE: The Company takes it very seriously should you share your login credentials (where applicable) to any  digital course hosted in Kajabi, if you share a coaching call recording with anyone outside of our paid-client group, or if you share any confidential or proprietary information within this course to others who are not paying clients. If a breach occurs, your access to the Program will be immediately revoked and further action might be pursued. IP addresses can be retrieved if necessary to confirm information has been shared. All coaching calls are recorded and posted inside the Client-Only Facebook Group so the Client can watch them at their own convenience.

 We value your trust and respect your right to privacy and confidentiality. We will not disclose or use any of your Confidential Information that we learn of during the course of our work together without your consent. You also agree to treat any information you learn about other group participants as Confidential Information.

“Confidential Information” includes any information you disclose to us while we are working together. It does not include information that (1) is or becomes available to the general public, (2) is already known to us before you disclose it, or (3) that we rightfully receive from a third party.


The Client is responsible for their own results and success by way of clearly taking ownership of when calls are happening, showing up on time, asking questions when needed and engaging in the course content daily.

When you work with us, we abide by certain guiding principles. Showing up for yourself is a key element to achieving the transformation you desire. We promises to show up for your intended transformation and trusts you will do the same as you will do the same.  Everyone is 100% responsible for themselves. With that being said, what you put into it, you will get out of it and being responsible for your own participation is key to getting results. Keep an open mind during this process. This means being open to feedback, personal growth, shifting your current belief system and allowing Company to guide you to success. Communication is crucial during this process and necessary. That means if you are stuck or need help, you are responsible for reaching out to Coach when needed, for speaking up and asking for help.

As part of the program you will be in group coaching sessions with participants that may hold different beliefs than you do. We ask that you always remain open minded, respectful and conduct yourself with compassion and kindness towards differing opinions. In the event you are disruptive or disrespectful to other participants or the coaches, we reserve the right to terminate this Agreement.


Any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach, termination, enforcement, interpretation or validity thereof shall be handled in accordance with applicable laws of the venue herein agreed upon.

6. Payment Cancellation Dispute

In the event that Client cancels any credit card payments, or any payments of any method used by Client (where applicable), this Agreement may be immediately terminated by Dana Canneto, LLC, and  reserves the right to dispute such cancellation and pursue Client for monies owed to Company due to such payment cancellation. Additionally, Company may also declare acceleration. Client agrees that, regardless of whether Client is ultimately successful in any payment cancellation dispute, Client is liable to pay Company for services rendered as of the time of the cancellation request at an hourly rate of $500 per hour for all time spent in participating in Program. In such an event, Company will provide the Client with an itemization of hours spent within a reasonable time upon the request of Client, and payment will be expected, due, and payable in full within 10 days from the date such itemization is provided. If Client does not pay for such hourly work upon Company’s demand and within 10 days, Company reserves the right to initiate an action in court for breach of contract, regardless of the previous outcome of any payment cancellation dispute. Additionally, if Company is successful in any credit card cancellation dispute, Company reserves the right to pursue Client for the costs Company has incurred in disputing or defending such payment cancellation, including but not limited to the lost business profits in the form of time Company and its representatives spent handling such dispute, at Company’s hourly rate of $500 per hour, in addition to any litigation fees, including attorney fees, incurred by Company.


Company shall retain the creative rights to all original materials, data, and similar items produced by Company hereunder in connection with Services under this agreement. All services and software used by Company shall at all times be the sole property of Company, and under no circumstances shall Client have any interest in or rights to the title to such materials or software. Client acknowledges that Company may use and modify existing materials for Client’s benefit, and that Client holds no rights to such materials.


Except as provided elsewhere in this Agreement, all information disclosed by one Party to the other Party, shall be deemed to be confidential and proprietary (“Proprietary Information”).   Such Proprietary Information includes, but not limited to, information regarding audio playlists, audio downloads, videos, products, methods and processes, services, PDF guides, intellectual property, information about a Party’s employees, and other confidential or Proprietary Information belonging too related to a Party’s affairs. The receiving Party acknowledges and agrees that in any proceeding to enforce this Agreement it will be presumed that the Proprietary Information constitutes protectable trade secrets, and that the receiving Party will bear the burden of proving that any portion of the Proprietary Information was publicly or rightfully known and disclosed by the receiving Party. The Parties, their employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, and assigns agree to hold all Proprietary Information, regardless of when or how disclosed, in strict confidence and with not less than the same degree of care that they provide for their own confidential and proprietary information. The Parties warrant and represent that the degree of care contemplated herein is adequate and the Parties will take any and all steps reasonably necessary to preserve such Proprietary Information. Nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit or limit the receiving Party’s use of information that can be demonstrated as: (a)previously known to the receiving Party; (b) independently developed by the receiving Party; (c) acquired from a third party not under similar non-disclosure obligations to the disclosing Party; or (d) acquired through the public domain through no breach by the receiving Party of this Agreement.

7. Remedies

The Parties acknowledge that the Proprietary Information exchanged is valuable and unique and that disclosure in breach of this Agreement will result in irreparable injury to the adversely affected Party, for which monetary damages, on their own, would be inadequate. Accordingly, the Parties agree the adversely affected Party shall have the right to seek an immediate injunction enjoining any such breach or threatened breach of the Agreement.


Company (Dana Canneto LLC) shall not be liable for any incidental, consequential, indirect or special damages, or for any loss. Client releases Company from any and all damages that may result from anything and everything related to Dana Canneto LLC’s services.   Client releases Company from any and all damages that may result from anything and everything related to this Agreement. Client accepts any and all risks, foreseeable or non-foreseeable, arising from this transaction. 

Client agrees that Company will not be held liable for any damages of any kind resulting or arising from including but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, special, negligent, consequential, or exemplary damages happening from the use or misuse of Company’s services. Client agrees that use of this service is at Client’s own risk.


This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of New York applied to contracts that are executed and performed entirely in New York. The exclusive venue for any court proceeding based on or arising out of this Agreement shall be Westchester, New York.


If any legal action or any arbitration or other proceeding is brought for the enforcement of this Agreement, or because of an alleged dispute, breach, default, or misrepresentation in connection with any of the provisions of this Agreement, the successful or prevailing party or parties shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees and other costs incurred in that action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which it or they may be entitled to by law.


Both Parties agree that in business, sometimes things don’t work out or the relationship is no longer healthy, agreeable or sustainable. If the relationship should stop or part ways for any reason, both Parties respect each other’s online reputation, public reputation and will remain respectful of each other as to not disparage each other personally, professionally, verbally, written or other regarding products, services or coaching programs and will not speak to Company’s Clients in the Program negatively.


 Client accepts and agrees that they retain 100% responsible for their progress. Client accepts and agrees that as they, as an individual, is the one vital element to their success and that Company cannot control Client and/or Client’s outcome and actions as a result of the services being rendered hereunder in any way.

Dana Canneto LLC makes no representations or guarantees verbally or in writing regarding performance of this Agreement other than those specifically enumerated herein.  Company shall have no liability whatsoever for any claim relating to any Client’s inability to access the services properly or completely or for any claim related to any errors or omissions in the services. 


You understand that you may not video record or audio record any of our Services. Upon request, and with your permission, Company may use your image in our testimonial marketing. You, in whole or in part and understand that you will not be compensated for any use of the Media.


You understand that ALL calls with our team are recorded. This includes but is not limited to your welcome call, Q&A calls, coaching sessions, kickoff calls, integration calls. These recordings are the property of Dana Canneto LLC and are for internal use only.


 This Agreement will end either (1) automatically upon completion of the Services, (2) automatically at the end of the coaching term stated on the Statement of Work, (3) automatically upon written notice by us if any payment due under this Agreement or (4) immediately if we give you written notice for good cause. No refunds will be issued for funds received prior to the date of termination. If there are unused Services left after the end of the coaching term, such unused Services will be forfeited.


Client agrees that he/she will obtain medical services from the professionals/physicians/health care providers of her choice.  Client agrees and acknowledges that Company’s services in any way intended to be a substitute for medical treatment of any sort.  Dana Canneto, LLC does not and shall not provide medical or psychotherapy services in any way.  To the extent and in the event that Company does provide any medical services or psychotherapy advice, Client agrees that it is Client’s sole and separate responsibility to review such advice with her chosen professionals/physicians/health care providers prior to making any decisions based on Company’s advice/recommendations.  Coaching services are not a substitute for medical treatment or consultation with a medical and/or psychiatric professional.  Client agrees that he/she will solely remain responsible for contacting, communicating with, coordinating with, and otherwise retaining the services of her chosen professionals/physicians/health care providers. Client agrees that he/she will remain responsible to be mindful of his/her own wellbeing during while receiving Company’s (Dana Canneto LLC) services and seek medical treatment as needed.  Company does not provide medical, or psychotherapy services of any sort.  Dana Canneto, LLC  is furthermore not responsible for any decisions made by Client as a result of the recommendations made and/or any consequences thereof.  Client further acknowledges that there is no privilege or confidentiality that protects statements made to a coach.  Accordingly, disclosure of information received by coach does not constitute a violation of this agreement or the common law.




We are committed to helping you achieve your goals, but you are solely responsible for your progress and results from the Services. We have made every effort to accurately represent the Services, but ultimately, your participation and commitment to the program are up to you completely. We make no representations or guarantees regarding performance other than those specifically written in this Agreement. 

Our Services do not constitute psychotherapy or psychoanalysis or deal with the diagnosis or treatment of medical issues. You acknowledge that we do not provide medical treatment and that you will seek medical, therapy, psychotherapy services, counseling from a religious clergy member or a certified therapist, doctor or clinician of specification if needed. 

Because of the nature of the Services, the results experienced by clients vary significantly. You accept responsibility for this variance. Nothing in this program is a guarantee the same results as another or specific results you might be seeking.  We are not responsible for any decisions you make as a result of the Services, or for any consequences of those decisions.


This Agreement is the final, complete, and exclusive Agreement of the Parties. No modification of or amendments to this Agreement shall be effective unless expressed, in writing, and signed by the Parties.


If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, such provision shall be fully severable, and this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision had never comprised a part of this Agreement. Thus, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.


The headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be used to limit or construe the contents of this Agreement. By their signatures below, the parties hereby understand and agree to all terms and conditions of the entire Agreement.

By checking the box during checkout that , the parties hereby understand and agree to all terms and conditions, you therefore agree to and accept the terms of this Agreement:



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